New Creation
New Creation, the kingdom of God, the reconciliation of all things, creation healed, new heaven and earth, all things joined together under Jesus, full salvation, are all ways of saying the same thing. New Creation began with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. New Creation begins for each of us as we experience new birth, the New Covenant in Jesus’ blood. God’s intention is for creation to be renewed and restored at the end of time. Because of this, our calling as Christians is to care for our planet. We often treat God’s good creation so poorly, and the more we know about it the more we see how we have failed as caretakers. N.T Wright says that ‘The body of Christ as a whole, with every Christian called to play his or her part (and to face their own personal battles and struggles as they do so), is to show the world and its rulers that there is a different way to be human, the way of the Sermon on the Mount, the way of following Jesus in the power of the Spirit.” We taste the new creation when we receive God's forgiveness and therefore offer forgiveness to one who has wronged us. When we live each day for God's purposes, serving him in every facet of life. That is new creation. It is when we strive to treat all people with justice, and to care for the poor and the oppressed. New creation is when we gather with God's people for worship, service, and celebration.